Peculiar Love

Peculiar how love blossoms
For loyalty, or for mere trust!
Bound by moral obligation,
Grows a love kind unequalled by lust.

One minds not perpetual absence—
Needs only sprinkles of kind words;
Nor does it mind the indifference,
When gallantry is at times proffered.

Odd is the way in which love grows—
Not when near, but when stars apart,
Not from abundance, but from dearth.
It's true; distance deepens the heart.

And to deprive one is to have
One pining endlessly for more.
Then, even a speck of presence
Would make one feel wholly adored.

Yet, one does well to remember;
Exciting though is this fervour,
Should it stay unreturned for good,
Its keeper’s destined to wither.


Nocturnal Death


Moving objects