She Who is Power On Earth

The deity whom we crave;
Bestow on her the right to wave
Upon you, me, and upon all,
The lance of power to enthral.

Must her words be final judgments?
Must we take them as a given?
Or should we be afforded our say?
Would her slant be forever unswayed?

Must her head be the only,
And the wisest among we?
Or is she not unlike her servers–
Of Earth's boarders she's but another?

Must her compass always decree
The direction in which we follow?
Or should the hardened hands of her workers
Take too the oars that steer the morrow?

She's a leader worthy of a mural
Who yields not her duty to mortals.
For as long as humans still live,
To none her power she'll give.


Harbour of secrets


My Root